
You emerged from the valley between my brow

The perspiration above my lip creating rivers

That bore life and wonder, cool pebbles beneath

Your back imprinting tiny fossils of rough drafts

And discarded words floating away downstream

I look for you through the surface tension— do you meet my gaze?

Our eyes adjust, yours like mine and mine seeing through yours the world that I built

(Be honest, do you like it?)

Does this journey I’ve started you on please you?

Is there enough light, enough darkness to reel you in?

My creation, I would love to warn you

Of the traps I set for you— the betrayals, the tragedies

But that would make things less interesting

Surely you understand, don’t you?

We need to keep our audience engaged,

We need them to relate— to project, if you will

Come, my darling creation, take my hand

You can trust your creator

They’ve all been waiting for you

They’re all here for you

They’ll love you

They’ll hate you

All because I made you.